Maths Resources

Welcome to our Learner Resources Area. You will find  links for guidance, videos of treatments which you can download and adapt for your learning and much more.

This area is for Learners who currently are on programme with Debut Training Academy. It is password protected and access is managed by us. If you have been assigned a password please enter it below and click submit.

If you are a learner training with Debut Academy and have problems accessing this area, please contact our Student Liaison, Jade on

Bobbie, our maths tutor will be on the video talking through math questions that you may come up against when doing your functional skills exams.

Bobbie does short bite size videos talking you through how to break down the problems and to give you a better understanding.

If you need any extra help or would like Bobbie to work through this further with you please give us a call and we will book you a 1-1 with her 01268 560 552.


Estimation and Approximation

Please use the link below link to watch the video


Positive and Negative Numbers

Please use the link below link to watch the video


Evaluating and Expressing Numbers

Please use the link below link to watch the video



Please use the link below link to watch the video


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Please use the link below link to watch the video